Honor, Courage, Commitment

Honor, Courage, Commitment

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not the same Bat-time OR channel, folks!

Semper Fi everyone! I'm dropping by to give everyone the 411 on the new monthly meeting info. We will be meeting the first Tuesday of the month at 1800. The new location is as follows:
Grace Point Church
1915 N Rd. 64
Pasco, WA 99301

I hope to see y'all there at the next meeting on May 7th.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Lets get our bowl on!! Fundraising event at the Go Bowl in Pasco, Thursday April 11th from 5-8 pm. I hope to see y'all there! Semper Fi!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Busier than I thought possible.

I know that it's been a while since the last time I've posted anything, and I do apologize for that. Busy doesn't even begin to describe my life here lately. Now that things have slowed down (slightly) I plan to get some more posts on here a little more often. April 1st 2013 has seen the installation of our new Detachment Commandant, Mike Ridgel. The new Junior Vice Commandant is Glen Carter. I'm taking a back seat role (as far as leadership goes) and will be handling the adjutant/paymaster & Web Sergeant roles. I still plan on doing the fundraising too, but this time I'm going to make sure and ask for help. If there's one thing I've learned over the last year, it's that if I don't ask for help with projects, my "Super-man complex" will stop me dead in my own tracks. I sat down with Dan Abbott after the installation ceremony and took advantage of some quality face time. I learned a LOT talking with him. The biggest thing I picked up from him is what the Detachment should be. A home. The detachment should be a home for Marines to come together and *gasp* act like Marines. A place for us to lay all our shit on the table and not worry about being treated like anything other than Marines. If you miss having that camaraderie, if you miss having that atmosphere that comes with being a Marine, or if you just miss being a Marine, being part of our detachment is where you belong. It's not just some lame group, it's a home. So for all you young Devil-Dogs coming home for the first time since God knows when, welcome home.

Saturday, November 17, 2012



We will be meeting at the Elks Lodge #2755. It is located at 15 North Colorado St,  Kennewick, WA. Look forward to seeing everyone there Dec 3rd @ 1830!

 TriCities Marine League #337 will no longer meet at American Legion, Benton City, Wa.

Friday, November 16, 2012



November 5, 2012 

Meeting was called to order by Commandant Kyle Southwick at 1840 hours.

Roll call of officers:
            Commandant: Kyle Southwick
            Sr. Vice Commandant: Byron Carlson
            Jr. Vice Commandant: Mike Ridgel
            Judge Advocate: Anthony Tonda
            Jr. Past Commandant: Glen Carter          

Members Present:
            Diane Tonda, adjutant, JJ Haeg, Sol Freeman.
Minutes from October 1, 2012 were read by adjutant, Dianne Tonda.  Motion to accept the minutes read by Glenn Carter.  2nd by Tony Tonda.  Motion Passed.
Correspondence: Kyle Southwick reporting.  Letter from Departmental commandant saying that this month is education for everyone in the detachment.
Office of Paymaster
            Commandant Kyle Southwick is appointing Anthony Tonda as paymaster for Tri-Cities Detachment #337 of the Marine Corps League.  Former paymaster Migel Pineda and Pamela Pineda is to be removed from the account.  The address for all correspondence will be as follows:
            Tri-Cities Detachment #337
            Marine Corps league
            P.O. Box 5092
            Benton City, WA 99320-5092
Paymaster’s Report:
            Current Balance $3, 369.74
            November 2, 2012 deposit $240
            October 29, 2012 $2,100
            Check for $71
            Deposit of $395
            Check for $396.80 for glasses for birthday ball.
            Withdrawal of $500.  Paid to Glen Carter.
            Purchase from Glendale Parade for $560.40
            Deposit of $142
            Ending Balance: #3,566.75

Report of member or member’s family sick or in distress:
            Elmer Baily is experiencing back problems; also his wife is slowly recovering from surgery.
Officers Report:
            Commandant Kyle reported on the fall department staff meeting.
            Sr. Vice Commandant Byron reported on the Columbia River Young Marines.
            Jr. Vice Commandant Mike Ridgel reported visitation to veterans in the area nursing homes.  Placing of memorial markers.
            Judge Advocate Tony Tonda reported on the current roster, attendance at Highland Middle School for Veterans Day assembly.  Will be attending Veterans Day assembly at Rivers Edge High School November 6, 2012.  Information given on Veterans Day Parade this Saturday in West Richland. 
Standing Committee Reports
            Toys for Tots:  chair, Glen Carter.  October donations: $13,034.  Purchase of toys this month $12,400.  Facebook page for the Tri-City Toys for Tots has list of all activities.  Thank you to the Columbia River Young Marines for raising $900.  And collecting about 400 toys last weekend.  On target for fund raising.  List of events posted on Facebook
            Birthday Ball:  Report given by committee member Tony Tonda.
No Unfinished Business.
New Business
            Glen Carter reported on the status of standing grant of $2,500.  Must be spent for ceremonial items used for funeral duties.  Have spent $900.  Must spend the balance by the first of the year.  Discussion for ideas followed.
Syd Haase reported concerning 6- items could be purchased from Best Buy for a fraction of the cost.

Meeting adjourned until next month’s meeting on December 3, 2012.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dianne Tonda, Adjutant





October 1, 2012 

Meeting was called to order by Sr. Vice Commandant Byron Carlson at 18:40 hours.

Roll call of officers:

            Sr. Vice Commandant: Byron Carlson
            Jr. Vice Commandant: Mike Ridgel
            Judge Advocate: Anthony Tonda
            Jr. Past Commandant: Glen Carter
            Sargent-at-Arms: Sydney Haase
            Chaplain: Dave Bantam

Also attending: Adjutant Dianne Tonda.  Visitor: Sol Freeman. 

Application for Membership:   Sol Freeman.  Sponsored by Kyle Southwick.  Motion to accept for application Sol Freeman: Glen Carter, 2nd: Tony Tonda.  Motion passed. 

Minutes: From September 10, 2012 meeting was ready by Adjutant Dianne Tonda.  Motion to accept minutes as read: Syd Haase, 2nd Tony Tonda.  Motion passed. 

Correspondence:  Received a fund raising catalog from Carlson William Schmidt, which was passed around to the members. 

Officers Reports:

Byron Carlson reported the Columbia River Young Marines had their car wash last Saturday.  During this month they will have their open house for recruiting. 

Judge Advocate: Tony reminded the members of the Departmental Staff meeting to be held this coming weekend Friday & Saturday Oct.5th and 6th, at the Yakima Oxford Inn.  The spring Departmental Staff meeting will be held on April 5th and 6th, 2013.  The updated member roster for the detachment was given to each member present.
Standing Committee reports:

            Toys for Tots: Glen Carter.  Hanford is donating 1,000 bicycles this year.  Assembly will be December 9, 2012 at the Benton-Franklin County Fairgrounds, Building 2.  Distribution for toys will be December 15, 2012.  Anyone willing to volunteer for Toys for Tots can do so online at  www.toysfortots.org

            Birthday Ball:  Syd Haase.

            Color Guard:  Tony Tonda.  Members volunteering: Tony Tonda, Glen Carter, Syd Haase, Mike Ridgel, Byron Carlson.

Unfinished Business:

Syd Haase reported the previous Web domain is still available.  Motion to redo our Web site was made by Mike Ridgel.  2nd by Tony Tonda.  Motion passed.  Desirae Haase, Syd Haase’s wife, to be Web master. 

Detachment # 337 to participate in the West Richland Veterans Day parade on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012 by motion o Syd Haase, 2nd Glen Carter.   Motion passed.  Tony Tonda will send in our application. 

New Business:

Mike informed members of the Fall festival on October 27, 2012 at the Red Lion Inn on Columbia Center Boulevard.  This event honors all veterans. 

Glen Carter suggested that we send our representative from our detachment to the Tri-City Veterans Coalition. 

Funds to be paid on the loan of $500.00 to Glen Carter.  Motion to do so by Tony Tonda.  2nd by Syd Haase.  Motion Passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1958 hours. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Tonda, Adjutant.